ISSN 00000 (Online), ISSN 2305-9966 (Print)

Рус Eng

Requirements for the design of original articles

The article shall consist of 5-20 pages. 

The original text is at least 80% (articles are checked by the Antiplagiat system).

The abstract shall contain 150-250 words.  The structure of the abstract is similar to the structure of a scientific article and contains information about the research goal, methodology, and results.

Keywords: 6-10 keywords (up to 100 characters with spaces). Use relevant and well-known keywords that reflect the essence of the work and scientific novelty. Keywords are separated from each other by a semicolon;

The text of the article shall be divided into parts, and the headings shall be named

PLEASE NOTE! All names, captions, and structural elements of graphs, tables, diagrams, etc. shall be in Russian and English. 

Figures shall be inserted into the text of the article below the paragraph in which the figure is first mentioned. Original drawings of the appropriate size in the format .jpg with 300 dpi compression and resolution shall be additionally submitted to the editor in separate files.

Tables shall be typed in Word format. Tables presented as images or in PDF format are not accepted. Spacing 6 points above and below

Formulas shall be typed in the formula editor. Font — Times New Roman, font sizes are: regular — 10 points, large and small index —respectively 8 and 6 points, large and small character — respectively 14 and 10 points. Numbers, Greek, Gothic and Cyrillic letters shall be typed in a straight font, Latin letters for various physical quantities (A, F, b, etc.) — in italics, names of trigonometric functions, abbreviated names of mathematical concepts in Latin (max, div, log, etc.) — in straight, vectors (a, b, etc.) — in bold italics, symbols of chemical elements in Latin (Cl, Mg) — in straight. Formulas are turned off in the left margin with a paragraph indentation. The formula is written by the author using all possible simplification methods and shall not contain intermediate transformations.

The References shall met GOST R 7.0.5-2008. In the text of articles, preference shall be given to references of the last 10 years, to pay special attention to sources in foreign publishing houses indexed in the international citation and analytical databases Web of Science / Scopus, etc.

The references are compiled in the order of mention in the text. The ordinal number of the source in the text (link) is enclosed in square brackets. The text of the article shall contain links to all sources from the list of references.

  A mandatory criterion for a review article is the use of a large number of references 20-50 (8-15 sources are sufficient for a thematic article), without taking into account references to normative documents (GOST, SNiP, SP), Internet resources (Internet sites that are not periodicals), reports, as well as sources that are not in the catalogs of leading Russian Depository libraries (GPNTB, RNB, RGB), archives, etc.  It is not recommended to link to Internet resources that do not contain scientific information, educational and methodological manuals. The share of links to private work shall not exceed 30% of the total number of links.

If the article (publication) has a DOI, it shall be specified in the bibliographic description of the reference.

When compiling a list of references in Latin ("References") Russian-language sources shall be transliterated. Each of the bibliographic references shall be extended by a translation of the names (articles, monographs, journals, conferences, places of publication), which is given in square brackets after the transliterated parts of the bibliographic reference. The name of the publication's city is given in full. 

All articles submitted to the editorial board of the magazine, having received positive response from the reviewers and recommended for publication undergo mandatory editorial processing (editing, proofreading, technical editing). Editing according to the editor’s comments is agreed with the author.

The date of the article receipt by the editorial office is the date of receipt and registration of the final author’s original by the editorial office with all the changes made according to the comments by the reviewers and editor

UDC ________

Title of the article in Russian (no more than 10 words)

Title of the article in English

Name (full) First author’s place of work, postal address of organization, email address for communication

Specialty number (required)

in English

Name (full) Second author’s place of work, postal address of organization, email address for communication

in English

Abstract: The abstract should contain 200 to 250 words including information with the headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions.


Keywords: 6-10 keywords (up to 100 characters with spaces). Use relevant and well-known keywords. Keywords should reflect the essence of the work, scientific novelty


Text of the article: font - Times New Roman; font size - 12 pt; line spacing - one and a half; text alignment - width; indent of the first paragraph line - 1.25 cm.

The volume of the article should be 5-8 pages.

ATTENTION! All titles, signatures and structural elements of graphs, tables, diagrams, etc. should be made in Russian and English.

Design of figures and illustrations:

The figures should be inserted into the text of the article immediately after the paragraph where the figure is first mentioned. Original images of the appropriate size in .jpg format with compression and resolution of 300 dpi must be additionally submitted to the editor in separate files.

Fig. 1 Title

Title in English


The tables must be in Word format. The tables submitted as images or in PDF format are not accepted.

Example of the table heading:

Table 1. Thematic name of the table (interval 6 pt above and below)

Table 1. Title

Title in English

First column

Second column

Third column








Formulas must be made in the formula editor MathType. Font - Times New Roman, font sizes: regular - 10 pt, large and small indexes - 8 and 6 points respectively, large and small characters - 14 and 10 points respectively. Numbers, Greek, Gothic and Cyrillic letters are typed in straight font, Latin letters denoting various physical quantities (A, F, b, etc.) in italics, names of trigonometric functions, abbreviated names of mathematical concepts in Latin (max, div, log, etc.) - straight, vectors (a, b, etc.) - in bold italics, symbols of chemical elements in Latin (Cl, Mg) - straight. The formulas are positioned at the left edge with indentation. The formula should be written by the author using all possible simplification methods and should not contain intermediate transformations.


The list of used literary sources is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

In the article texts, the preference should be given to references to publications of the last 10 years with special attention to sources in foreign editions indexed in international citation and analytical databases Web of Science/Scopus, etc. A mandatory criterion for the review is the use of a large number of sources 20-50 excluding references to regulatory documents (GOST, SNiP, SP), Internet resources (Internet sites that are not periodicals), reports and sources absent in catalogs of leading Russian library depositories (SPSTL, NLR, RSL), archives, etc. It is not recommended to refer to Internet resources that do not contain scientific information, educational and methodological aids. The share of references to own works should be no more than 30% of the total number of references.

If the article (edition) has DOI, it must be indicated in the bibliographic description of the source.

When compiling the list of bibliographic references in Latin (“References”), Russian-language sources must be transliterated. Each of the bibliographic references should be expanded by translations of the titles (articles, monographs, magazines, conferences, places of publication) given in square brackets after the transliterated parts of the bibliographic reference. The name of the publication city is given in full.



1. Telichenko V. I., Lapidus A. A., Morozenko A. A. Information modeling of technologies and business processes in construction / Scientific edition. - M.: Publishing House Association of Construction Universities, 2008. - 144 p.

2. Shemyakina T. Yu., Selivokhin M. Yu. Quality management (in construction) production management: Textbook. - M.: Alpha-M, SIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 272 p.

3. Chaika Yu. O. Improvement of the construction projects planning, control and regulation system based on the maturity model // Industrial and Civil Engineering. - 2014. - No. 6. - Pp. 59-60.


1. Telichenko V. I., Lapidus A. A., Morozenko A. A. Informacionnoe modelirovanie tehnologij i biznes-processov v stroitel'stve [Information modeling of technologies and business processes in construction]. Nauchnoe izdanie. Moscow, Assotsiatsiia stroitel'nykh vuzov, 2008, 144 p.

2. Shemjakina T. Ju., Selivohin M. Ju. Upravlenie kachestvom (v stroitel'stve) proizvodstvennyj menedzhment: Uchebnoe posobie [Quality management (in construction) production management] Moscow, Al'fa-M, NITs INFRA-M, 2013, 272 p.

3. Chajka Ju. O. Sovershenstvovanie sistemy planirovanija, kontrolja i regulirovanija stroitel'nyh proektov na osnove modeli zrelosti [Improving the system of planning, control and regulation of construction projects based on the maturity model]. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2014, no. 6,pp. 59-60.

Acknowledgments: personal acknowledgments, notes on the research funding, etc.